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Northern Ireland Obstetric Anaesthetic Network online abstract submission process guidance

Please return the abstract by email to before Monday 21/03/2022 17:00

Five abstracts will be chosen to be presented orally at the Trainee section of the meeting. All other abstracts will be accepted as e-posters.

Consent and approval

You should ensure that you obtain the relevant consent and approvals before submitting your abstract. ALL work must have received the appropriate approval. This may be by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) for studies deemed to be ‘research’, and/or the Trust Research & Development (R&D) Dept, Audit Dept or Caldicott Guardian (the latter to vouch for confidentiality of patients’ information) for other types of studies.

Submission of a case report requires the written consent of the subject to publication, using this specific form (attached at the end of this guidance). Please do not submit this document together with your abstract, but note that you w

ill be asked to declare that consent has been obtained when you submit, and you may be asked to provide the signed form as evidence at a later date. Staff surveys are often exempt from requiring REC approval, but as a condition of acceptance participants in surveys should be asked for consent. Participants

must be asked for agreement for publication of results/data from the survey. Staff should be reassured that i) they are free to decline to participate without penalty and ii) all data collected and presented will be fully anonymised. Please ensure that you declare what type of consent is obtained.

Abstract title

The title of your abstract should be written in a sentence case and no longer than 300 characters. If you are submitting a case report abstract, the title should not include the phrase "A Case Report".

Abstract text

All abstracts must be written using the following format:

Audit & quality improvement, NELA, original research, safety and survey abstracts should:

Start with an untitled introductory paragraph and be followed by the following sub-headings (in bold)

  • Methods

  • Results

  • Discussion

  • Acknowledgements

  • References (maximum of two). References should be cited within the body of the abstract, using the following format.

A case report abstract should:

Start with an untitled introductory paragraph and be followed by the following sub-headings in bold.

  • Description

  • Discussion

  • Acknowledgements

  • References (maximum of two) References should be cited within the body of the abstract, using the following format. Superscript references should not be used. Please ensure that all sub-headings are in sentence case and not followed by a full-stop, colon etc

Abstract requirements

The maximum length of an abstract is 3000 characters (including spaces); this count excludes the abstract title and references.

  • Include an untitled introductory paragraph

  • Sub-headings should be in bold font

  • One paragraph ONLY for each section

  • Single line space between paragraphs

  • Only ONE table or figure

  • All numbers that start a sentence are spelt out

  • A maximum of TWO references only

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