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NIOAN Sustainability Project.

As a group, we are in a unique position to educate our fellow anaesthetists on the environmental impacts of our practice and to take the lead to implement changes.

We have decided to lead the introduction of The Nitrous Oxide Wastage project (NOW) which was first introduced in NHS Lothian Scotland in 2021. This is now a national audit and has a number of recommendations. Hopefully, the audit will lead to our region reducing both the use and wastage of nitrous oxide and Entonox. It may lead us to introduce new technology in our departments such as catalytic processing units.

The NOW project idea will need to be presented at each Trusts audit meeting by the consultant lead. Trainees will have an opportunity to get involved with the project. Each trust will have to establish links with estates and pharmacies.

The project will consist of

  1. Survey of current practice and attitudes.

  2. Audits of anaesthetic machine N20 use and Entonox use in labour ward.

  3. Manifold management audit.

  4. Pipe leak tests.

We will analyse and present our findings as a region in the future.


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