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NISA Annual Study Day

Friday February 24th, 2017 - Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick

The programme for the NISA 2017 Annual study Day is now available!

Presentations include

  • Prevention of Persistent Post-Surgical Pain – Back to Basics Dr Niranjan Chogle, SEHSCT

  • What can NISA learn from NASA? Dr Will Donaldson, NHSCT

  • Congenital Heart Disease in Adults Dr Mark Spence, Consultant Cardiologist, BHSCT

  • Perioperative Medicine – a Cynical View Dr George Collee, Royal Free Hospital, London & RCoA Council Member

  • The Bengoa Report Mr Mark Taylor, Consultant Surgeon, BHSCT

  • Money Matters for Anaesthetists Dr Mark Martin, Chairman, Cavendish Medical

  • Dealing with Professional Burn-out Dr Mark Davies, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, BHSCT

  • Just Culture: Utopian Dream or Safety Standard Dr David Drew, NHS Whistleblower

As with last year, there will be a session devoted to case presentations by trainees - further details about that will be announced soon.

Registration fees are £120 for consultants and £60 for all other grades and are inclusive of coffee and lunch.

Paid-up NISA members can get an "early bird" rate (£100 consultants, £50 others) for registrations made by Friday 10th February 2017.

This event is approved by the Royal College of Anaesthetists for 5 CPD credits.

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